
Be a leading character in medicine's growth

The Project

The Project

Extension and improvement of Health Service by the Preventive, Integrate and Integral Medicine through de Human Biomechanical Engineering, Physiological Nutrition and Bio Orthotomolecular Medicine.

The human body is the master art of Biologic Engineering, being made of all resources needed to live healthy. However, it seems we have forgotten to read the instructions which allow its best performance.

Integral and Integrated Medicine is a field in Medicine which focuses on human being, with an integral view of the individual health, based on the concept of health as a whole biologic, psychological and social facts.


It is intended to build Fundacion Vitalidad in San Lorenzo city.

At the present, Fundacion Vitalidad works in a building which has become small to attend a large variety of patients. On the other hand, it reflects the good service, the trained staff and low prices available for everyone.


People who wish to improve their way of life, by preventing diseases through the Integral and Integrated Medicine.

Applying Institution

Fundacion Vitalidad
San Lorenzo City, Paraguay

Institutional Analysis

Fundacion Vitalidad has complied with the following documents: Social Statutes, Legal Solicitorship registered by the Public Records General Direction, Registration License of Fundacion Vitalidad issued by SEPRELAD, Contributor´s License by Tax System State Sub Secretary

Fundacion Vitalidad was founded on July 24, 2015.

Fundacion Vitalidad is headed by a Head Committee with the corresponding Administrative and Professional Departments.

Project proposal

Description and importance of the problem

In Paraguay, medicine is very expensive and inaccessible for the most of people, for that reason, and in accordance with our culture, Paraguayans use to take herbs and natural plants for medical treatments. This is part of a culture that has been transferred from ancient generations to our days, and recent studies support this form of medicine in a scientific and reliable way. Like in our country, Europe and other developed countries are using natural products in different forms. Therefore, new concepts in medicine, show that Integral and Integrated Medicine is a valid and recognized supplement for the Allophatic Medicine. Both of them help to recover physical and mental health.

Project Expectations and Goals

Purposes pointers

Purpose Nº1

Be able to provide service to the most number of patients with access to Integral and Integrate Medicine from the Third World.

Goal: Help to recover health for the largest number of patients, improving health and way of life.

Purpose N°2

Extend our Clinica Vitalidad (buying a land to build a new complex)

Goal: In that way, make possible the said purpose Nº1, and make sure it could be sustained.

Method of performance

The Head Committee of Fundacion Vitalidad, will be responsible of the project performance, it means all concerning contracts, acquisitions, giving accounts.

How the Service operates

It is intended to improve service conditions supplied by Clinica Vitalidad , by the extension of its actual plant. This improved service will be available for everyone. Solution indicated.

a) The project plans to improve health for prevention and diseases treatments focusing treatment not only through symptoms but also through physiopathology.

b) The above mentioned will be possible by a better given service through infrastructure, a large a modern organization and a trained professional staff.

Project Description

As the expectation of the project is to improve conditions of integral and integrated medicine service, Fundacion Vitalidad plans to build up a modern, large structure, well equipped, and with a highly trained staff, by a periodic actualization and new concepts of service in health.

General Goal

To offer a modern health service, with ultimate equipment, actualized professionals in Integral and Integrated Medicine, by offering continue staff training courses concerning the meaning of our treatment as well as the results we wish to arise. Since we are the unique organization in America, we are sure about the kind of health service we are able to offer.